NDIS Service Agreement for Barna Counselling & Consulting
ABN 17 835 230 883
Consulting at Orana Community Centre, 16-18 Playwright Street CLYDE NORTH 3978
and via telehealth
This Service Agreement is made in the context of providing therapeutic services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS), a government initiative that aims to:
Support the agency, rights, and choices of persons with a disability in accessing and receiving appropriate treatment to live a happier and healthier life;
Champion the co-facilitative process of consumers and service providers; and
Recognise that all Australians, regardless of ability, have the right to determine their own best interests and to engage in a meaningful life.
The signatory of this agreement is hereby agreeing to the services below, in line with the conditions set out below.
Services provided (Schedule of Services):
Barna Counselling & Consulting (BCC) offers specialised psychotherapeutic and counselling support for conditions as diverse as psychological trauma, anxiety (e.g., panic-related anxiety, social anxiety, and anticipatory anxiety), and stress reduction. BCC also assists with confidence-building, psychoeducation, self-awareness, motivation-building, community engagement, and/or any other area of competence required by the participant and within the scope of the clinician and listed in the NDIS Plan. The above conditions are common to those who experience disabilities of various kinds and support is provided in line with NDIS goals Services are offered via:
telehealth (via Zoom or telephone), and/or;
on-site, in the community, at the participants’ residence (where available - Note. Provider may claim travel expenses in line with the Item Number(s) below if travel is required [up to 30 minutes to and up to 30 minutes from the residence]).
Other important information:
Services provided adhere to the NDIS Code of Conduct, NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators (2021), and National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (2018).
Supports are provided by a suitably qualified counsellor/psychotherapist/psychologist* operating under the business name, Barna Counselling and Consulting.
If issues arise outside the scope and competence of the clinician, appropriate referrals** will be made for support.
Unless otherwise provisioned (see next point), sessions are billed at $156.16, in accordance with the NDIS Pricing Arrangement and Pricing Limits 2021-22, version 1.2 under the Support Item Number (Capacity-Building Supports/Improved Daily Living, Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Counsellor): 15_043_0128_1_3. Pricing may change in line with future NDIS changes. Sessions also incur an additional 15 minutes ($39.04) to allow for case notes. Total cost for a single session is $195.20.
The NDIS can also allow funding to be drawn from CORE Supports if Capacity Building funding has been exhausted. In this case, the following Item Number will be used (Core Supports/Assistance with Daily Life, Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training Supports - Other Professional): 01_741_0128_1_3. If this Item No. is used, the session is charged at the same price as above for counselling and case notes.
Costs may change by mutual agreement between the Provider and the Participant and/or the Support Coordinator or Plan Manager, or with NDIS Price Guideline changes.
All sessions are conducted according to the timeframe stipulated on the client’s NDIS Plan, to be reviewed where necessary.
Disclaimer. BCC does not take responsibility for the actions of third-party services/organisations. Referrals, if required, are made in good faith, and any action arising out of these referrals is solely the responsibility of the respective third party. However, in accordance with the NDIS Practice Standards and Quality Indicators (2021), and National Disability Insurance Scheme (Incident Management and Reportable Incidents) Rules 2018 (2018), BCC will make all efforts to take complaints seriously and provide a suitable solution in line with relevant policies and procedures (e.g. BCC’s Human Resource Management, Incident Management, Complaints Management, and Risk Management systems).
What to expect from Barna CC:
Barna CC agrees to:
Abide by the NDIS Code of Conduct at all times.
Provide a person-centred support service that is in the best interests of the client.
Be open, honest, and empathic, and provide a safe atmosphere for all clients.
Provide up-to-date and evidence-based and/or informed treatment modalities.
Communicate openly about what is required and the services to be provided and collaborate with the client to achieve the goals set out in their NDIS Plan.
Provide relevant information about disagreements/complaints that could arise out of service provision and commit to resolve any disputes in a time-relevant way.
Provide information about the cancellation policy and relevant charges.
Inform the client of any scheduled appointment changes ahead of time (48-hours is the main guideline and will be applied unless under circumstances outside the clinician’s control).
Provide privacy and confidentiality and keep accurate records of the client.
Issue invoices following attended sessions and keep track of all attended appointments.
What is expected of participants:
The client/representative agrees to:
Communicate openly and honestly with respect to required support.
Treat the provider with respect and courtesy.
Provide at minimum, 48-hours-notice if they require to cancel a scheduled appointment. Cancellation policy will be enforced if this is not followed.
Provide relevant NDIS Plan details and goals, especially in the case of the Plan being suspended and/or replaced by a new plan.
Give the required notice if they plan to end the Service Agreement.
Cancellation policy:
BCC requires 48 hours’ notice for any cancellations. If clients do not provide notice within this timeframe, they will be charged the full fee for the booked service. Where the participant has provided more than 48 hours’ notice before the scheduled service, Barna CC will not charge a cancellation fee.
Where a participant fails, at short-notice or without notice, to keep a scheduled arrangement, the provider will make every effort to make contact to determine whether other supports are required.
Cancellations can be made via SMS, phone call, and/or email.
How to make changes to this Agreement:
Both the service provider and the client are to agree to any relevant changes/amendments and are to come to a written and signed agreement (in the form of an Amendment) on these changes before they take effect (see below).
How to end this Agreement:
Should either party wish to end this Agreement, two weeks’ notice must be provided. If either party seriously breaches the terms of this Agreement, notice is waived.
What to do if a problem arises:
If the client wishes to provide feedback, contact can be made with the clinician via telephone and/or email (emil@barnacc.com).
If BCC’s response is not satisfactory for the client, they can contact the National Disability Insurance Agency by calling 1800 800 110 or the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by calling 1800 035 544, or by visiting one of their office(s) in person, or by visiting www.ndis.gov.au and www.ndiscommission.gov.au for further information.
Payments and Billing Information:
Upon selecting Barna Counselling and Consulting, you agree to use funds from your NDIS Plan to access this support. Your Plan will determine the amount that can be used and the duration of support.
Self-Managed participants will receive an invoice via email following an appointment. Invoices are due within seven days.
Plan-Managed participants will utilise their respective Plan Manager to handle all invoices. The Plan Manager will receive an invoice via email following an appointment. Invoices are due within seven days.
If an invoice is unpaid within the invoiced period, follow-up will be organised. If necessary, action via Debt Collection Agencies will be made if invoices are refused without proper cause.
Services will cease if invoices are refused.
If there are issues with payments, please contact BCC to discuss options.
* Where available.
16 Playwright Street,
Clyde North, VIC 3978